Are We A No Kill Shelter


We work very hard every day to keep this goal. Although many organizations apply different definitions to No Kill, we believe that to be considered No Kill, a shelter must achieve a “live release rate” of at least 90% of the animals who come into the shelter’s care, reserving euthanasia for only the terminally ill or injured and animals too aggressive for rehabilitation. 

On January 1, 2013, we began working toward implementing each program of the No Kill Equation. Since then, we have made significant strides toward becoming No Kill, and finally reached that goal during the 2016 year.

As an open-admission municipal animal shelter, we are required to take in all of the stray animals from within the city limits of the three cities we serve: Freeport, Clute, and Lake Jackson. In addition, we receive animals as strays and owner surrenders from all over Brazoria County and beyond. We currently intake over 3,000 homeless animals each year. Our shelter operates at or beyond capacity every day. Saving 90% or more of those animals is a huge undertaking, but we believed that it could be done and only with significant support and  involvement from our community it happened!  

If you would like to help keep this No Kill Dream ALIVE for the entire Brazoria County, we welcome your ideas and suggestions.